So I was wondering how long it will take to get rid of russian labels on our cultural heritage?
I’m very glad that today all people over the world know that Ukraine is not part of russia and we ...
I’m very glad that today all people over the world know that Ukraine is not part of russia and we ...
Natalia, Kyiv: Can we find an explanation why some people take their pets on hands passing the border at the ...
I also feel that there are no proper words in Ukrainian to describe the amount of hate and anger I ...
Of course, we are experiencing epochal events, but I want my usual planned life, maybe even boring and predictable
I don’t know how to describe their attitude to us in a proper way, but I’m really sure that it ...
russians have been bombing us a lot last days. It's quite stressing, actually. I even started panicking a bit. And ...
Today I was forced to leave my home. Because now near my city in Kyiv oblast is a lot of ...
The morning Russia attacked (at 5 a.m.), many people woke up from their relatives' phone calls. My mom wakes up ...
To my mind, it's impossible to be apolitical when people like russian come to your house and kill the ones ...
Now everything is calm. But this night my family spent in the bathroom. Because of russian troops bombed Kyiv and ...