I do believe that justice exists, and that it will prevail and win in the end
I guess in these horrible historical times our society has the best time to reconsider its values. In our present ...
I guess in these horrible historical times our society has the best time to reconsider its values. In our present ...
All history of our country proves that we should have the own forces to protect ourselves. We always hope for ...
Language it is something that keeps a nation alive, so we must keep fighting for it.
When I have heard that 70 percent of russians supports the war against Ukraine, I understood that this nation finally ...
All the loving and caring people I know are now volunteering day and night, but those, who were greedy and ...
Undoubtedly, we have shown to the whole world that we are a strong and unbreakable nation. That nothing can break ...
They are my motivation, support and sense of life. I like to spend time with them, but today it is ...
We, as Ukrainians, will never allow that to happen to us. If we don't like something, we change it.
Now I try not to read the news at all. It usually only makes me feel depressed. If something important ...
We became stronger. We are an unbreakable nation, thus we will stand and win. Most of all I will appreciate ...